01/11/25-01/12/25 Initial CCW Certification


2 in stock



Our OCSD-approved CCW certification course is comprehensive and flexible in our approach to ensure we are developing the best training for those who want to exercise their Constitutional rights. In our two-day course, including 3-4 hours of dedicated live fire training, we will cover:

  • Self Defense Legalities
  • Use of Force Guidelines
  • OCSD & CA CCW Policies
  • Threat Identification, De-escalation and Avoidance Tactics
  • Holster Selection & Training
  • Dry Fire & Live Fire Training and Skills
  • Weapon Modifications & CCW Firearms
  • Legal Aftermath of a Self-Defense Incident
  • Emotional, Psychological, and Physical Realities of an Incident


Students will need the following:

  • Firearm and Holster (OWB or IWB, non-collapsible, you will only need a holster for the primary firearm you will be shooting), 2-3 magazines for each firearm
  • 150-200 rounds (150 for primary, 50 for each additional)
  • Handheld flashlight
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Close-toed shoes
  • Any other range gear you usually prefer! (magazine loaders, kneepads, etc., not required)

If you haven’t started your application process yet or are currently moving through the process, we are happy to assist you in any way that we can, either over the phone or during the course. Feel free to contact us at any point in your application or with any questions at info@apexdefensivestrategies.com.


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